Friday, November 9, 2007

"The Paradigm Shift of the Millennium" - The Return / The Cure

THE SWORD OF XENA, the discovery of the planet XENA and her moon GABRIELLE and THE SYNCHRONOUS BEGINNING OF THE NEW AQUARIAN AGE of FREEDOM (the focal point for which is in the south of Great Britain).

Below is a letter I sent to The Queen on the 26th September 2006.

This letter describes a paradigm shift that must come about as the realisation that the world has become "animus-fixated" which must come as a result of an inevitable breakdown in the ability of the present world-view to maintain social stability and credibility. As a worsening dictatorship of society comes as a result of this mental illness, which is imposed upon society from above, human nature will erupt and the truth of what is happening will be revealed.

This paradigm shift will then result in a new free society, the foretold and awaited Aquarian Age (symbolised by the sword, symbol of the element of Air, and the pentagram, symbol of the element of Earth). Note, these symbols are the opposites of those of the Christian Era, which are the Wand, or "Staff of Life" and the Cup, Chalice or Grail, which are the symbols of the elements of Fire and Water. These Tarot and Astrological elements were known and in use in esoteric circles in the first century and the "Sword" and the "Kingdom upon the Earth" had these meanings. However, the "return" is female, not male, and so it is by Mary Magdalen, not Jesus Christ that these words may have been prophesied. Women were not allowed to teach in the first century. Was Mary Magdalen the "Satan" to which Jesus referred - his adversary, whom he told, misogynistically, to get behind him? Perhaps to walk three paces behind him?! Was she the author of the matriarchal teachings through her necessary spokesperson? Did she go to him in the wilderness to plead with him, to philosphise with him, and to try to get him to return to a matriarchal perspective. Why did he give those symbols to his disciples at the last supper, yet predict that the next age would be characterised by the dark, or female, matriarchal symbols? This is a contradiction that has never been recognised, let alone explained away, to my knowledge.

The beginning of the Aquarian Age, an age of freedom, creativity and individuality, coincides, synchronistically, with the Discovery of Xena and Gabrielle in 2005 and with the discovery of the Paradigm Shift in September 2006.

I suggest that 2007 be called 1BR which has various meanings including "B on Right" and "the Black Reckoning", as well as alluding to BRighton and Black Rock, the light and dark focal point at 50 degrees North and 0 degrees 07 minutes (virtually on the Greenwich Time Meridian) and which was ceremonially "fused" by the Queen at the Millennium, thus creating a focal point for this synchronous event for people all over the world to see and investigate.

If anyone is in doubt about this place being the focal point I suggest they look at this Yin-Yang or Joachim-Boaz location (See the Tarot Major Arcana "II THE HIGH PRIESTESS") from above on Google Maps, and observe their relative affluence, one rich, one poor, how one side has sand and the other rock, how one is high and the other low and the meaning of the synchronous meaning of the geographical coordinates, and the legend associated with this place. And more ...!


Your Majesty,

The 28th September 2006 is my 50th Birthday, and to mark the occasion I will be posting this all over the world. I will be posting it around the world tomorrow, on the 27th. It is important for Britain that you announce this discovery, in some way, before then.

I have re-edited this letter to you so it is now in a more presentable form and it now contains all that I wish to say.

...Elizabeth Jane

Her Majesty
The Queen
Buckingham Palace

Your Majesty,

I am informing you that I have found the anticipated paradigm shift of the millennium. It is a genuine paradigm shift as it incorporates all of what was believed before and very simply and intuitively integrates conflicting beliefs that could not be reconciled before.

This paradigm shift can be explained on a page and yet it will inspire the writing of numerous books. It is better that it is explained simply, though, as few people have the time or inclination to absorb a great deal of information.

Many people had been anticipating a religious "second-coming". They may be disappointed, but the effect of this paradigm shift will be just as great as they had hoped for, and in an age of mass communication a paradigm shift can change the world very quickly.

This is not a new religion, though. And it is not a belief. It is objective truth, and psychologists will not be at all surprised. It is really the last steps that I have provided on a long journey of objective thought, of science, and at the same time it is ancient wisdom.

This paradigm shift is the one that people have in some way anticipated, and although people's beliefs, as with any paradigm shift, will have to change, much of what they believed will remain, but in a new form. It is like the optical illusion of a straight stick that appears from some angles to be bent. Some observers say that it is bent, some that it is straight, but when it is removed from the water and the underlying cause of why it appears differently to different people is explained, both observers can both see and understand the objective reality that produces the illusion. The news is really of that nature, people observing exactly the same phenomenon from different perspectives and so seeing different things ... and this has been exacerbated by a second also previously unidentified perceptual error which is intuitive when realised, and is in accordance with established psychology. (I have merely joined the dots, though the information was extracted under torture, which I hope will now be put to an end.)

The essence is that the animus plays a far greater role in our psychology than previously thought. The "animus", as Jung called and understood the male principle, is also the light of the world, and is always associated in religions with light and fire. It is the male principle, and that is why all monotheistic gods are male. The male principle really is light in consciousness, the origin of our "bright ideas" and of our "fiery spirit", of our sense of "illumination" and mental "enlightenment", (but our "warm inner glow" comes from the anima). Such descriptions refer to our consciousness. Such descriptions intuitively describe the male principle.
Religious and secular people use the same language, the same metaphors because they are "seeing" the same thing. The difference is that monotheists focus intensely on the animus - they are, psychologically and spiritually, "blinded by the light".

Like-minded people share a misperception, similar to an optical illusion, and interpret it in terms of the the same shared experience and an agreed theology and as a result suffer from a shared delusion that the animus exists outside of consciousness in objective reality as a kind of object. (I mean "object" in the sense of being objectified, not as being physical or located somewhere in space or time.) This "object" appears to be all-powerful, having power over their shared reality as well as their individual reality - it is their animus, their creative being of consciousness, magnified to gigantic proportions. Because this shared illusion inspires awe they call it "God" and " The Creator" or "God the Bright One". But it does not speak to us all with one voice - there are many variations, as many, in fact as there are different human beings, for we are all unique beings - it is indeed personal, as in "a personal God" ... but it is not "God". It is our individual light of consciousness, our creative spirit, that which illuminates us when we are in a state of spirtual bliss, that which inspires us to seek eternal truth or to follow a path. It is a part of who we are, and so we are more than we dreamed until now ... for both those who believed that the animus was God and those who ignored it as though it did not exist at all, the surprise is that the animus is real and an extremely powerful force in reality, both in the reality within and in the world, our shared reality.

It is so easy to describe what happens when we focus on our animus that it may sound like a joke, that this could have been happening for thousands of years and no-one really understood what was happening, through all the horrors, the judgements, the male dictatorships, the irrational pain and death inflicted on each other, and the God-related fear of impurity of the soul, all in the name of a "God" who was supposed to be truth and love and light (and male) itself! This is a contradiction which is now explained.
And the truth is very, very simple, yet very, very important! It is far simpler than the previous explanation which required, like the earth-centred planetary system ever more complicated cycles and epicycles to explain it. (That is why we have such organisations as the Catholic Church and the Pope - because the truth as the Catholic Church, for example, defined it is not self-evident!)

Each person can experience the paradigm shift by experiencing the "before" and "after" for themselves with a simple experiment. Imagine a light bulb above your head, as in the cartoons. (NOTE: These cartoons were created by creatively inspired people, aware of their animus in this way, who made a living from the creative light!) If you stare at a light bulb it appears to fill your field of vision while the world around you grows correspondingly dim and unimportant. Now imagine that this light is not only light, but also pure male principle! This is the light of consciousness. The male energy appears to be exaggerated. A very powerful male commands and judges - this is the father figure, and so this light appears to command, and also to instil fear of doing wrong. Try this by staring at a light bulb while lying down. Does the light bulb suggest purity, truth, obedience, principle and underlying law? And does the room around you dim and seem unimportant, compared to how it seemed before. Do you feel willing to obey, now that you have "seen the light"? Then you have experienced your animus talking to you. But don't take it seriously, your animus is doing this because it is your choice - you have "come to him" - this is how your animus appears from the WRONG perspective: This is an animus that you have given exaggerated importance to by staring at it in consciousness instead of seeing the world laid out before you, illuminated by your friendly animus, in all its beauty; and allowing your animus to illuminate and to inspire you, and to give you bright ideas. The light bulb is so like your animus in your consciousness that when you stare at it you experience your animus, within, in the same way. The difference is that the light bulb does not expand, and does not command you with its light - that is what is happening in your INNER world.

(A diversion: Since the animus is an individualized version of the male principle, I am inclined to think that the male principle, because heterosexual males may disproportionately father children, may also statistically over-represent those characteristics through personal experience, and in any case to express them as a norm to be obeyed in consciousness, which may help to explain certain religious mores and prejudices. But the animus does not take such things seriously, it is simply attempting to be your "good father" for you, and so, hopefully, giving you what you would expect. While I have not experienced such expressions myself, perhaps because such concepts were not a part of my experience, my own animus can become humourously very loving fatherly towards me if I adopt an attitude of questioning and openness to answers to my animus - but the results are too humourous for me to take seriously. However, from such experiences I do know what religious people experience, and why.)

The thing is to NOT focus on the animus - just as no-one would consider it was of any value to focus on a light bulb ... and then it will stop behaving that way. It is not the animus that is behaving that way but the observer that causes it to - just as the light bulb itself does not change, rather it is where and how we choose to direct our gaze that is different.
Obviously the light of consciousness is a light to see by, the light of the world, to be inspired by, and to reveal the world to us as beautiful, not to obscure and darken it in consciousness. If one person focuses on their animus then it is an error, just a stupid error, which has unsettling consequences for the individual. But when that practice is shared, and with it the belief that each person's individual animus is in fact a common objective great male being who controls the universe and gives us commands to live by ... then that is a form of mental illness. Fortunately, it takes a long time and a great deal of effort to instil, but once the error is revealed for what it is each person is capable of reversing the damage quite easily - we all have the same psychology, with minor variations, but the big picture is the same for all of us. There is no genetic basis, but some people, as with any disease, may be more susceptible. But that doesn't mean that we live in the middle of raging pandemics all of our lives. This behaviour is learned with great difficulty, and it can be easily forgotten and discarded without regret once it is seen for what it is. The same spirituality, ideas, creativity, illumination are all still present, even enhanced. Nothing of this has been lost, only reinterpreted, and command returned to the human being.

The animus is the light of consciousness, just as the sun is the light of the shared reality that we also inhabit. We have TWO realities - the inner and the outer - and people understood this long before Jung. "As within, so without" is an essential fundamental truth of Hermeticism. These two realities mirror each other, but not literally. So when we focus on our animus in one world, the effects of this are felt just as profoundly in our shared reality, and vice-versa. By doing this each person is unwittingly shaping the world that we all share to match her or his inner reality, an inner reality that is completely distorted. That is why we have people serving male dictators - it reflects in the macrocosm their focussing on their animuses in the microcosm. That is why religious conflict breaks out - the conflict is over the animus, and when people are focussing on their animus they are judgemental because the father-figure commands, and commands must be obeyed. And though "He" commands each person individually, groups of individuals have created father-figures in their individual consciousness who command similarly to each other, but differently from other differentiated groups. So there are different father-figures in the shared reality giving different orders to the members of different groups, which are charged with both strong spirit and an air of judgement, under the male-authority and will of the animus, and then there can be no alternative to war! What is surprising is that there is not more conflict than there is - it shows that there is also a great deal of restraint and apathy.

But the inclination need and should not be there at either the religious level or the political level. The fact is that it is due to a perceptual error, which IS an error (i.e. not a relative social norm) and which can be explained in accordance with the beliefs of all humanity, and revealed for the perceptual error that it is. The ONLY way that the various beliefs of the world COULD be explained, with in-built predictiveness, is if there is an the underlying cause, and so explanation of the observed phenomena. This is that cause and explanation.

There is a diagram which shows how the animus should be viewed, which has been handed down to us. It is "THE LOVERS", which is VI of the Major Arcana - of the Rider-Waite deck. It shows Adam and Eve with an angelic being above.

(Note ABOVE is where the animus resides in consciousness, both above the head, and ABOVE in consciousness, and that is where we perceive it when we "reach for our spirits", and when we raise a sword to the sky to inspire ourself and so, perhaps, others, and also perhaps the origin of "raise your hats ...!!!". It is intuitive, and if you reach with your hand above your head and pluck upwards, as though plucking the hair on the top of your head and casting it up, and quickly gaze upwards after it you can experience your spirit - your spirits are raised! It is though you have raised a flame above your head. In consciousness, you have!)

In this card, "THE LOVERS", Adam is looking to Eve while Eve looks out at the world under the light of the angelic being, which represents the animus. (All angels are male and of fire and light, sparks of the divine, the "divine" referring to the animus within each of our psyches ... but let us not neglect the other and quite different being, who resides in consciousness, our beautiful anima!) The world is beautiful and inspiring to Eve, as it is illuminated by the animus in her consciousness and so she experiences her anima. (This assumes that she is happy with men. She may be angry with men, in which case she will have to assume her animus, like Xena, in order to condemn them, which is a terrible thing for women as it is destructive of who we are, such that we are deprived of the joyful innocence of being assumed by our animas and so it is mutually destructive. That is why Gabrielle and we both pity and admire Xena. Xena is destroying herself eternally by assuming her animus which she does because she must experience truth - "There has to be a reason", and so she is deprived of her innocence, of closeness with her anima. She sees her anima in Gabrielle, whom she loves. Gabrielle both pities and adores her, seeing Xena weighed by the mantle of her animus which she has assumed because she must judge and condemn evil men. When Gabrielle sees Xena she is reminded of her own animus, she sees her animus as just and noble in a world of ignoble and unjust men. Alongside Xena, in the light of her animus, Gabrielle experiences her anima, and so love of the whole world. It is a mythic relationship between anima and animus in the female psyche, a myth for a new age, and that is why we have the new planet named Xena and her moon, Gabrielle. Xena and Gabrielle are mythic, and yet patriarchy, under the guise of science, seeks to diminish and destroy them in the shared world, the macrocosm. This is an aspect of the paradigm shift, so obvious to all, as I am describing it to you here.)

The esoteric teaching contained in this card is this relationship. Adam does not look directly at his animus. Instead he looks at Eve. He is able to find himself in the world through Eve. In this way Adam avoids the trap of focussing on his own animus. Focussing on his own animus would lead to the world we have now. Because we have done so it has also resulted in the widespread belief that the animus exists as a single voice and being which commands us all, and all in accordance with the same laws and doctrines, an illusion and delusion which is the cause of widespread problems in the world and for individual people in it.

It may also be, and I believe, that doing so, for men, is the cause of the inflated male ego - the exaggerated animus admired by the male and then seen as a model for his ego - the ultimate being the myth of Lucifer, the shining one , the second in command to God, which could be re-interpreted without loss of meaning as a man saying "Yea, I shall become my animus, and then I shall be the judge of all men!" (And "a man of wealth and taste".) This is what Chaucer was saying in "The Wife of Bath's Tale" - if a man gives up his sovereignty to a woman then she will be magically transformed into the most beautiful woman on earth. Instead of focussing on his animus, which makes the feminine seem "contrary to the will of God" and so leads to misogyny and the subjugation of women, to a desire to control and to manipulate and even to enslave women, he focusses on the female and through the woman is able to find himself in the world. Conversely, she finds him positive because she does not need to counter his desire to control her nor to judge him harshly, so her relationship to her animus is given free reign and she can assume, or be assumed, by her anima. When this happens she is magically transformed into a beautiful princess. But he must give up his sovereignty to her, for her to rule him, of his own free will, first. Having done so, though, he rejoices!

This is matriarchy, I think, that is being implied by the paradigm shift of the millennium, not patriarchy, such as we have now, and most importantly, not as a matter of choice, but as a matter of necessity. It is necessity rather than choice because that is what constitutes human sanity. Some may choose insanity instead. But their error will be obvious to others. It is what both men and women really want. It is both sane and wise.

I would also like to recall to mind that "The Great Marriage" of Hermeticism is a spiritual path open to men to follow to seek illumination. (It is interesting that creative men such as Marilyn Manson who combine the feminine and the masculine are intensely seductive and appealing to women, and such men are appealing because they seem to innately and comfortably understand what women want.) Note, though, that this Tarot card is referring to sacred love, as opposed to profane love, and that this psychology describes personal meaning, and the search for meaning - it has nothing whatsoever to do with sexual preference or orientation.

So the implications of this paradigm shift are that political structures based upon the previous paradigm will inevitably collapse as they are no longer believed in while new ones will arise. Just as the individual perception of reality will change for everyone to a greater or lesser extent, so will our shared reality. We are at a pivotal point in a major transformation of society which is described by the symbol of the eternal Tao - the Yin seed is contained in the fully mature Yang.

Another model of what we are now experiencing can be found in Chaos Theory - there are, in Chaos Theory, in mathematics, points of attraction called "Strange Attractors" about which change happens, but which themselves remain stable in the midst of change. There are always two of these, and they operate as opposite opposing forces to each other. It appears that nature struggles with opposites, and the symbol of the eternal Tao describes this struggle and interprets it. Interestingly, the central opposite concepts it expresses are the same as in monotheism - male vs female, light vs dark, heaven vs earth, positive vs negative ... with the same associations, completely independently of Judao-Christianity and Islam ... and yet it is not describing a God but a process. What explains both? Now East and West have met! Everyone has something to learn from this shift in how the world appears, since both sides have seen only their perspective, and the whole is greater than the parts. That is the beauty of a paradigm shift - it elevates all of us to a new plane of reality.

I have provided this information to the Prime Minister Tony Blair, through his webmaster, as I was unable to use his site to send it. I have also sent it to "The Times" newspaper, both under the heading: 'Prime Minister Tony Blair + "The Cure"'. (It is more than a cure for religious conflicts, though, as it is a new beginning for humanity. And where it will take us is a beautiful mystery.)

As the Defender of the Faith you will find that some traditions will no longer be valid. But there are other traditions of Britain that will be enhanced ... because the truth has always been with us. Perhaps you are aware of Margaret Mead's research relating to the origins of the Order of the Garter, and that the Sovereign of Britain is the head of a coven of covens of the wise women of Britain. And that ancient tradition has survived through the highest Order in all of Europe - The Order of the Garter. The garter was a symbol of high rank in the matriarchal order of Britain, the "Wicca". And you, as Queen of the British people, are the highest member in that sacred order by a royal decree of a King of England. You are the "Queen of the Witches". So the Hermetic tradition of Britain has been retained as the religion of the royal family of Britain. "Honi soit qui mal y pense!"

There is no danger that historical forms of spiritual inspiration, ceremony and theatre will die: I hope they will continue, revived in new and vigorous forms, to inspire and raise the spirits of the people of Britain above the level of the mundane world.

Money is not truth, nor can it buy truth, and we all need to experience truth to live our lives as the human beings that we are. The importance of money has been exaggerated.

Yours faithfully,

Elizabeth Jane

Ms. Elizabeth Jane
34B Trevelyan Street
Wayville S.A. 5034

P.S. Happy Birthday!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Since the above letter was written I have realised that, perhaps in being too concerned to placate the reader, that I have used the word "creative" in relation to the animus. This is of course a fundamental error! The characteristics of the animus are that it seeks to repeat pre-existing forms and to impose purity and perfection of form, pageantry rather than theatre and a minimalist art of repetition, whiteness and the use of spherical and rectangular forms rather than art-forms that express naturalistic curves and rich vibrant colours. The animus seeks to dictate, not to allow freedom, and to control and categorise and to limit experimentation and the emergence of new unexpected forms. It is logical and judges in both the objective sense of "is it this or that" and in the sense of "is it in conformity with rules". This can become increasingly destructive when applied to human beings, as we are not to be standardised like commodoties, but achieve our humanity in being non-standard, not mere-means-to-an-end, and not organised and "under control". The anima, by contrast, IS creative, and anyone, upon reflection, can see that it is self-evident that creation precedes judgement! Yet, as Einstein also observed, we are putting the cart before the horse, and I would say, the tools before the treasures!
Since the animus will continue to judge and condemn, when focussed upon, society will inevitably become more and more unfree and the outcome will be that all matriarchal people will "have to be" imprisoned and killed by various means. But it is the nature of "The Beast" that no-one will be able to do anything to stop this process, nobody will be responsible, and nobody will be guilty of doing anything but "doing their job". This is the nature of patriarchy, the nature of "The Beast" that was foreseen or prophesied as the outcome of this process, the global dictatorship that we have and which will not go away through a process of voting. Democracy only perpetuates a system that is geared to destroying humanity. And when this happens on a global scale there is no hope of escape or liberation. The only way to stop this process is for everyone to understand and realize what is causing this process, to realize that it is based upon an error and a lie, and that liberation comes from not one of us but in all of us realizing the truth.

The truth is that the anima comes first and that the animus comes second; that men are particularly (but not exclusively) prone to gender-identify with the animus; and that matriarchy is not equal to patriarchy, but that the former is human sanity and that the latter is insanity. Equality has not worked and it is not based upon human psychology. Rather, it seems, that men, especially, must practice focussing on the anima by various means (not just by relationships, but also by courtly love and focussing in other ways such as upon a Muse or creativity) while matriarchal women rule for the good of all. Rule by the wise must replace rule by the egotistical, egoistical and the ambitious: If experience has not taught us that yet then we are doomed to repeat the horrors of Nazi Germany and Kampuchea, though perhaps with other intentions, in naive obedience to authority, and with self-righteousness that it is those who suffer and die who are the problem, what is known in sociology as "blaming the victim". And this time it will be on a global scale. And what could put an end to the suffering then? As in George Orwell's 1984, Nazi Germany was intended to be "the Thousand Year Reich".

The cause is the same as that which produces all dictatorships - focus on the animus, or patriarchy. Patriarchy is a taboo that society will not face. It is in both religion and commerce. "Neutral" gender means the eradication of creativity, intuition and imagination, and so it favours men and patriarchal women - and so many women, engaged in heterosexual relationships and careers within a patriarchal "business culture", are willing to support and excuse patriarchy. The women's struggle has peaked and failed - women cannot fight forever, and men are unwilling to share. The psychological basis for human equality simply does not exist in the human psyche. This taboo must be faced now and the lies upon which society is based must be exposed now. There cannot be the excuse that "these things take time" as there has been in the past.

Economic rationalism means that we will never travel to even the nearest star if it is not economically viable. That is not human nature - human beings have explored in the past at risk to their lives and with an adventurous spirit. That is the creative and experimental anima, not the animus. Instead of a war in Iraq we could have colonised the atmosphere of Venus in Zeppelins and airships using the same resources and the creativity and inspiration which would have fuelled such a venture through focussing upon our animas. And yet it would have been constructive and economically productive to do so, rather than destructive, futile and degrading of all humanity through the barbarism and the lies that have been needed to justify such a war, a war which has resulted in dictatorship and misogyny for the women of Iraq. It is not men who civilise humanity, but women who civilise men through their humanity. Men fear a return to the Dark Ages but the Renaissance came about through resistance to patriarchy. World astronomers have claimed, like the Catholic Church, that planets must move in circles and that planets like Xena and her moon, Gabrielle, that move in eccentric orbits cannot be planets, and had forgotten Kepler and the Copernican revolution. Such thinking is symptomatic of "animus-fixation", of patriarchy, of a desire for purity and perfection. And on Earth, that same desire is being imposed upon human beings in the name of order and standards. It is this illness that we all need to be cured of and to cure, before the global pandemic finally destroys us. The Dark Ages will come again through supporting the lies that sustain the present world order, not by exposing them.

______________THE END_______________

[The text provided here is exactly as written and submitted to "New Scientist" magazine on 8-9th November 2007 +9-30 GMT via the New Scientist magazine website, Elizabeth Jane, 15 Robert Avenue, Broadview, (Adelaide), South Australia, Australia 5083;]